Dear John,

How do you describe disgust? The taste it leaves in your mouth.  The way your brain buzzes.  The numbness that passes through you.

I am disgusted tonight.  Disgusted to be an American.  Disgusted because we allowed this disease to propagate on our soil.  This disease breeds disrespect, xenophobia, and our basest instincts.  My country did this, and I am so ashamed.

I truly thought we were better than this.  I had hoped, for my own treatment’s sake, that we were better than this.

But we are not better than this.

That is why I don’t want to be a ‘we’ anymore.  I’m breaking up with America.

I know it’s who I’ve been, and what I’ve been used to up until now, but it’s not who I am anymore.  I want to be single, and not an American.

I don’t want to be a part of America anymore.  All I know is that I’m not a part of it.  I need to go my own way, and you won’t let me, so I know it must end.

You’re free now – to do your own thing.

But it won’t include me.


Author: M-Cubed

Hello, my name is Maggie Marie Mead, and this is my blog, M-Cubed (or M³ for short).

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