Highdeas, an Introduction 

This is a segment that I like to refer to as *Highdeas* Think of it like FUBU, but for stoners. These articles are devoted to that blissful slice of life, known as being high. I speak of course, of the thc high, you will have to go elsewhere to find what movies go with methamphetamine. Food, music, movies, and everything else that can be improved by marijuana will be discussed here, in an attempt to encourage you to do all that you can do, and be all that you can be, when toking up after a hard day… or the beginning of a lazy one.

I encourage all my readers to enjoy marijuana responsibly and as legally as you can, and these articles will help you to enjoy that high safely at home, and not driving while intoxicated or otherwise being a menace to society.

So if you’re a devoted chronic, or just looking to partake once in a while, the articles of this segment can act as a helpful spirit guide to your best, most enjoyable, high.


Welcome to M-Cubed, my brand new baby of a blog!  I wanted to quickly introduce you to some of the segments I’ll be doing, because I’m a weirdo like that.  I also tend to do things thematically, probably because I love holidays and wish there were more of them, so I figure a little explaining couldn’t hurt.

You Might Not Have Seen…

In this segment I’ll be doing movie reviews of movies that you’ve likely heard about, and maybe even know well, but haven’t necessarily seen.  These reviews will be only semi spoiler sensitive, meaning I may give away some plot points, but I’ll try to steer clear of any major ones.  I’ll be choosing movies what movies I review based around a certain theme, every month or so.

Beauty Reviews

I’ll be reviewing beauty, hair, and skincare products based on, you guessed it, ever changing themes! (I’m very predictable) I’m not getting paid by anyone to write these reviews, I’ll just be choosing products I actually use and love, so this is a bias free zone.


Going off the assumption that recreational marijuana use will be legalized in California within a few weeks, and the fact that I have a doctor’s recommendation to use marijuana for medicinal purposes, I’ll also be frequently posting about stoner related topics.  Though this segment will obviously be geared towards those who enjoy the ‘greener’ things in life, the movie lists, food recommendations, and other randomness should be of some use to non-smokers as well.

I’ll likely be adding more segments as I go along, but these are just a few that I’ll be starting with, and eventually I’ll probably add some personal writings as well, just for kicks.  I welcome feedback from you wonderful readers, though please be gentle, it’s my first blog.